Design and Organize Tutorials

Basic Customization

This tutorial demonstrates how to change your customize settings; uploading headers, uploading backgrounds, adding background colors, and adding a footer.

Color Palettes

This tutorial will help you choose a color palette for your Aportfolio. It includes helpful websites and tools you can use to find pleasing color palettes that express who you are.

Designing a Background

This tutorial demonstrates how to design a background image for your portfolio. It also has recommendations for background resolution.

Designing a Header

This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a header image for your Aportfolio.

Using Tables for Design

This tutorial illustrates how to use tables to create columns in your aportfolio, as well as some of the advanced features of tables.

Organizing Your Aportfolio

This tutorial will help you organize your Aportfolio. You can organize one portfolio, or you can copy and drag content from one portfolio to another.