Utilizing Style Properties

To change and apply styles to multiple parts of your Aportfolio, follow these directions. These style changes include font, font color, background, etc. Adding a style will help your Aportfolio have a consistent look and feel.

Step 1


This is the design icon. To change the styles in your Aportfolio (whether it be gallery modules, text, pictures, backgrounds) use this icon. This tutorial uses a text module as an example, but you can apply styles in the same way using the design icon.


Step 2

To apply styles to your text, hover over text on one of your pages and click the design icon.


Step 3

Make all the style changes you would like and then click on the fill icon next to “Customize Style”


Step 4

Choose whether you would like the style changes to appear only in new text modules or all existing modules.


Step 5

If you choose “apply to existing modules,” you will see an overview of the style on the left and a list of all the pages and modules this style will affect on the right. If there is a page/module you do not want to include this style change, you can deselect it.


Step 6

When you are finished, click “Apply Style”


Step 7

You should see a popup that says your style has been applied.


 If you have additional questions, email us at aportfolio@appstate.edu