
Core Compentency Inventories (PDF)
Transferable Skills Inventories (PDF)

These inventories are based on descriptions from the AAC&U Value rubrics, a set of commonly used assessments tools for evaluating student learning in Colleges and Universities.

The inventories are designed to assist students with practice in identifying authentic and accurate keywords and concepts that describe their individual skills to best represent their capabilities to professional audiences. They are encouraged to locate demonstrated evidence such as papers, essays, projects, presentations, videos, or photos, or link these artifacts with experiential reflection. A well balanced and documented ePortfolio will include both demonstrated evidence and experiential reflections to contextualize learning.

When initially completing this inventory we suggest students first address the areas where they can write up an authentic experiential reflection related to the skill or competency. Then go back through the inventory and address areas where they can additionally provide supportive artifacts or documentation that demonstrate skills or competencies in action. The areas where they have both evidence and reflection will become areas of notable strengths. Many students will find there are relatively few areas of this inventory where they can provide compelling evidence of the skill described. For a professional ePortfolio we suggest they are best served by carefully choosing few highly focused examples from several categories in the inventory. Over the span of their education they can expect to add significantly to these strengths.